11 Share and Production

11.1 Publish dashboard

Use RStudio Connect to publish work internally in the enterprise

  1. Open the dashboard app.R file

  2. Click on File

  3. Click on Publish

  4. Connect Account click Next

  5. Select RStudio Connect

  1. Copy and paste your RStudio Server URL and add :3939

  1. Enter your credentials

  2. Complete the form

  3. Click Proceed

  4. Click on Connect

  5. Click Publish

11.2 Schedule scoring

Use the tidypredict model to score and write back to the database

  1. Create a new RMarkdown

  2. Start the new RMarkdown by loading all the needed libraries, connecting to the DB and setting table_flights

con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "Postgres Dev")
table_flights <- tbl(con, in_schema("datawarehouse", "flight"))
  1. Read the parsed model saved in exercise 5.6
parsedmodel <- read_csv("parsedmodel.csv")
  1. Copy the code from exercise 5.5 step 4. Load the code into a variable called predictions. Change the model variable to parsedmodel
predictions <- table_flights %>%
  filter(month == 2,
         dayofmonth == 1) %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select( season, depdelay) %>%
  tidypredict_to_column(parsedmodel) %>%
  1. Change the select() verb to include flightid, and rename to p_flightid
predictions <- table_flights %>%
  filter(month == 2,
         dayofmonth == 1) %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select(p_flightid = flightid, season, depdelay) %>%
  tidypredict_to_column(parsedmodel) %>%
  1. Append to the end, the SQL code needed to run the update inside the database
update_statement <- build_sql(
  "UPDATE datawarehouse.flight SET nasdelay = fit FROM (",
  ") as p ",
  "WHERE flightid = p_flightid",
  con = con
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "Postgres Dev")
dbSendQuery(con, update_statement)
  1. knit the document to confirm it works

  2. Click on File and then Publish

  3. Select Publish just this document. Confirm that the parsemodel.csv file is included in the list of files that are to be published.

  4. In RStudio Connect, select Schedule

  5. Click on Schedule output for default

  6. Click on Run every weekday (Monday to Friday)

  7. Click Save

11.3 Scheduled pipeline

See how to automate the pipeline model to run on a daily basis

  1. Create a new RMarkdown document

  2. Copy the code from the Class catchup section in Spark Pipeline, unit 8

top_rows <- read.csv("/usr/share/flights/data/flight_2008_1.csv", nrows = 5)
file_columns <- top_rows %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  map(function(x) "character")
conf <- spark_config()
conf$`sparklyr.cores.local` <- 4
conf$`sparklyr.shell.driver-memory` <- "8G"
conf$spark.memory.fraction <- 0.9
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = conf, version = "2.0.0")
spark_flights <- spark_read_csv(
  name = "flights",
  path = "/usr/share/flights/data/",
  memory = FALSE,
  columns = file_columns,
  infer_schema = FALSE
  1. Move the saved_model folder under /tmp

  2. Copy all the code from exercise 8.3 starting with step 2

reload <- ml_load(sc, "saved_model")
current <- tbl(sc, "flights") %>%
    month == !! month(now()),
    dayofmonth == !! day(now())
new_predictions <- ml_transform(
  x = reload,
  dataset = current
new_predictions %>%
  summarise(late_fligths = sum(prediction, na.rm = TRUE))
  1. Change the ml_load() location to "/tmp/saved_model"

  2. Close the Spark session

  1. knit the document to confirm it works

  2. Click on File and then Publish

  3. Select Publish just this document

  4. Click Publish anyway on the warning

  5. In RStudio Connect, select Schedule

  6. Click on Schedule output for default

  7. Click on Run every weekday (Monday to Friday)

  8. Click Save

11.4 Scheduled re-fitting

See how to automate the pipeline to re-fit on a monthly basis

  1. Create a new RMarkdown document

  2. Copy the code from the Class catchup section in Spark Pipeline, unit 8

top_rows <- read.csv("/usr/share/flights/data/flight_2008_1.csv", nrows = 5)
file_columns <- top_rows %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  map(function(x) "character")
conf <- spark_config()
conf$`sparklyr.cores.local` <- 4
conf$`sparklyr.shell.driver-memory` <- "8G"
conf$spark.memory.fraction <- 0.9
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", config = conf, version = "2.0.0")
spark_flights <- spark_read_csv(
  name = "flights",
  path = "/usr/share/flights/data/",
  memory = FALSE,
  columns = file_columns,
  infer_schema = FALSE
  1. Move the saved_pipeline folder under /tmp

  2. Copy all the code from exercise 8.4

pipeline <- ml_load(sc, "/tmp/saved_pipeline")
sample <- tbl(sc, "flights") %>%
new_model <- ml_fit(pipeline, sample)
ml_save(new_model, "new_model", overwrite = TRUE)
  1. Change the ml_load() location to "/tmp/saved_pipeline"

  2. knit the document to confirm it works

  3. Click on File and then Publish

  4. Select Publish just this document

  5. Click Publish anyway on the warning

  6. In RStudio Connect, select Schedule

  7. Click on Schedule output for default

  8. On the Schedule Type dropdown, select Monthly

  9. Click Save