5 Modeling

5.1 SQL Native sampling

Use PostgreSQL TABLESAMPLE clause

  1. Use build_sql() and remote_query() to combine a the dplyr command with a custom SQL statement
sql_sample <-  dbGetQuery(con, build_sql(remote_query(table_flights), " TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (0.1)"))
  1. Preview the sample data
##      flightid year month dayofmonth dayofweek deptime crsdeptime arrtime
## 1       33574 2008     1         13         7    1503       1505    1635
## 2       33575 2008     1         13         7     806        805     939
## 3       33576 2008     1         13         7    1000       1005    1133
## 4       33577 2008     1         13         7    1259       1305    1428
## 5       33578 2008     1         13         7    1646       1645    1826
## 6       33579 2008     1         13         7    1949       1945    2126
## 7       33580 2008     1         13         7     710        710     933
## 8       33581 2008     1         13         7    1002       1005    1322
## 9       33582 2008     1         13         7    1356       1400    1705
## 10      33583 2008     1         13         7    2119       2100      31
## 11      33584 2008     1         13         7     709        710    1034
## 12      33585 2008     1         13         7    1909       1740    2227
## 13      33586 2008     1         13         7    1030       1030    1150
## 14      33587 2008     1         13         7    1423       1415    1539
## 15      33588 2008     1         13         7    2115       2040    2238
## 16      33589 2008     1         13         7    1903       1810    2031
## 17      33590 2008     1         13         7    1402       1405    1539
## 18      33591 2008     1         13         7     900        900    1035
## 19      33592 2008     1         13         7    1227       1230    1346
## 20      33593 2008     1         13         7    1932       1915    2107
## 21      33594 2008     1         13         7    1720       1645    1856
## 22      33595 2008     1         13         7    1608       1505    1915
## 23      33596 2008     1         13         7    1653       1650    2025
## 24      33597 2008     1         13         7     732        735    1123
## 25      33598 2008     1         13         7    1929       1935    2023
## 26      33599 2008     1         13         7     731        735     835
## 27      33600 2008     1         13         7    1151       1145    1245
## 28      33601 2008     1         13         7     706        705     819
## 29      33602 2008     1         13         7    1607       1610    1722
## 30      33603 2008     1         13         7     710        715    1017
## 31      33604 2008     1         13         7     939        940    1102
## 32      33698 2008     1         13         7    1046       1035    1151
##      crsarrtime uniquecarrier flightnum tailnum actualelapsedtime
## 1          1640            WN      2817  N745SW                92
## 2           940            WN      3310  N337SW                93
## 3          1140            WN      3398  N455WN                93
## 4          1435            WN      3490  N308SA                89
## 5          1820            WN      3685  N727SW               100
## 6          2120            WN      3766  N718SW                97
## 7          1015            WN       110  N748SW               323
## 8          1330            WN       127  N428WN               200
## 9          1720            WN       396  N789SW               189
## 10           15            WN      1076  N292WN               192
## 11         1035            WN      1462  N492WN               205
## 12         2055            WN      2532  N252WN               198
## 13         1205            WN       892  N257WN               140
## 14         1550            WN      2113  N790SW               136
## 15         2215            WN      3221  N678AA               143
## 16         1945            WN      3413  N366SW               148
## 17         1535            WN        54  N522SW                97
## 18         1030            WN      1086  N636WN                95
## 19         1355            WN      1375  N636WN                79
## 20         2045            WN      2115  N636WN                95
## 21         1815            WN      2133  N506SW                96
## 22         1900            WN      3915  N227WN               307
## 23         2025            WN       300  N714CB               212
## 24         1105            WN       806  N217JC               231
## 25         2050            WN       217  N603SW                54
## 26          850            WN       420  N736SA                64
## 27         1300            WN      1357  N388SW                54
## 28          825            WN      1531  N348SW                73
## 29         1735            WN      3307  N715SW                75
## 30         1030            WN      1589  N276WN               127
## 31         1105            WN       226  N768SW                83
## 32         1150            WN      1591  N613SW                65
##      crselapsedtime airtime arrdelay depdelay origin dest distance taxiin
## 1                95      79       -5       -2    MHT  BWI      377      5
## 2                95      77       -1        1    MHT  BWI      377      6
## 3                95      75       -7       -5    MHT  BWI      377      4
## 4                90      79       -7       -6    MHT  BWI      377      4
## 5                95      83        6        1    MHT  BWI      377      3
## 6                95      85        6        4    MHT  BWI      377      3
## 7               365     306      -42        0    MHT  LAS     2356      7
## 8               205     180       -8       -3    MHT  MCO     1142      7
## 9               200     179      -15       -4    MHT  MCO     1142      4
## 10              195     176       16       19    MHT  MCO     1142      6
## 11              205     186       -1       -1    MHT  MCO     1142      6
## 12              195     182       92       89    MHT  MCO     1142      4
## 13              155     124      -15        0    MHT  MDW      838      5
## 14              155     123      -11        8    MHT  MDW      838      6
## 15              155     129       23       35    MHT  MDW      838      5
## 16              155     123       46       53    MHT  MDW      838      8
## 17               90      76        4       -3    MHT  PHL      290     14
## 18               90      74        5        0    MHT  PHL      290     12
## 19               85      65       -9       -3    MHT  PHL      290      7
## 20               90      74       22       17    MHT  PHL      290     11
## 21               90      76       41       35    MHT  PHL      290      6
## 22              355     293       15       63    MHT  PHX     2279      5
## 23              215     195        0        3    MHT  TPA     1204      5
## 24              210     213       18       -3    MHT  TPA     1204      3
## 25               75      43      -27       -6    MSY  BHM      321      3
## 26               75      42      -15       -4    MSY  BHM      321     15
## 27               75      45      -15        6    MSY  BHM      321      4
## 28               80      64       -6        1    MSY  BNA      471      3
## 29               85      63      -13       -3    MSY  BNA      471      6
## 30              135     115      -13       -5    MSY  BWI      998      6
## 31               85      70       -3       -1    MSY  DAL      437      5
## 32               75      56        1       11    OAK  ONT      361      3
##      taxiout cancelled cancellationcode diverted carrierdelay weatherdelay
## 1          8         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 2         10         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 3         14         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 4          6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 5         14         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 6          9         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 7         10         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 8         13         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 9          6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 10        10         0             <NA>        0            3            0
## 11        13         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 12        12         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 13        11         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 14         7         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 15         9         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 16        17         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 17         7         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 18         9         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 19         7         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 20        10         0             <NA>        0            2            0
## 21        14         0             <NA>        0           22            0
## 22         9         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 23        12         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 24        15         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 25         8         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 26         7         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 27         5         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 28         6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 29         6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 30         6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 31         8         0             <NA>        0            0            0
## 32         6         0             <NA>        0            0            0
##         nasdelay securitydelay lateaircraftdelay score
## 1      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 2      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 3      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 4      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 5      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 6      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 7      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 8      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 9      0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 10     0.0000000             0                13    NA
## 11     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 12     3.0000000             0                89    NA
## 13     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 14     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 15     0.0000000             0                23    NA
## 16    36.0000000             0                10    NA
## 17     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 18     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 19     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 20     5.0000000             0                15    NA
## 21     6.0000000             0                13    NA
## 22     0.0000000             0                15    NA
## 23     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 24    18.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 25     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 26     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 27     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 28     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 29     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 30     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 31     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
## 32     0.0000000             0                 0    NA
##  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 6534 rows ]
  1. Test the efficacy of the sampling with a plot
dbplot_histogram(sql_sample, distance)

5.2 Sample with ID

Use a record’s unique ID to produce a sample

  1. Use max() to get the upper limit for flightid
limit <- table_flights %>%
    max = max(flightid, na.rm = TRUE),
    min = min(flightid, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
  1. Use sample to get 0.1% of IDs
sampling <- sample(
  round((limit$max -limit$min) * 0.001))
  1. Use %in% to match the sample IDs in the flight table
id_sample <- table_flights %>%
  filter(flightid %in% sampling) %>%

Verify sample with a histogram

dbplot_histogram(id_sample, distance)

5.3 Sample manually

Use row_number(), sample() and map_df() to create a sample data set

  1. Create a filtered dataset for with 1 month of data
db_month <- table_flights %>%
  filter(month == 1)
  1. Get the row count
rows <- as.integer(pull(tally(db_month)))
  1. Use row_number() to create a new column to number each row
db_month <- db_month %>%
  mutate(row = row_number()) 
  1. Create a random set of 600 numbers, limited by the number of rows
sampling <- sample(1:rows, 600)
  1. Use %in% to filter the matched sample row IDs with the random set
db_month <- db_month %>%
  filter(row %in% sampling)
  1. Verify number of rows
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
## # Database: postgres [rstudio_dev@localhost:/postgres]
##   n              
##   <S3: integer64>
## 1 600
  1. Create a function with the previous steps, but replacing the month number with an argument. Collect the data at the end
sample_segment <- function(x, size = 600) {
  db_month <- table_flights %>%
    filter(month == x)
  rows <- as.integer(pull(tally(db_month)))
  db_month <- db_month %>%
    mutate(row = row_number())
  sampling <- sample(1:rows, size)
  db_month %>%
    filter(row %in% sampling) %>%
  1. Test the function
head(sample_segment(3), 100)
## # A tibble: 100 x 32
##    flightid  year month dayofmonth dayofweek deptime crsdeptime arrtime
##       <int> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1  1177397  2008  3.00       3.00      1.00    1255       1300    1757
##  2  1178163  2008  3.00       4.00      2.00       0       1100       0
##  3  1178843  2008  3.00       4.00      2.00    2014       2020    2313
##  4  1179181  2008  3.00       4.00      2.00    1234       1240    1538
##  5  1179383  2008  3.00       4.00      2.00     910        910    1611
##  6  1183508  2008  3.00       5.00      3.00    1503       1505    1843
##  7  1184320  2008  3.00       5.00      3.00    1501       1500    1624
##  8  1185900  2008  3.00       6.00      4.00    2044       1800    2138
##  9  1188586  2008  3.00       7.00      5.00    2105       1745    2317
## 10  1191354  2008  3.00       7.00      5.00    1740       1700    2345
## # ... with 90 more rows, and 24 more variables: crsarrtime <dbl>,
## #   uniquecarrier <chr>, flightnum <dbl>, tailnum <chr>,
## #   actualelapsedtime <dbl>, crselapsedtime <dbl>, airtime <dbl>,
## #   arrdelay <dbl>, depdelay <dbl>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>,
## #   distance <dbl>, taxiin <dbl>, taxiout <dbl>, cancelled <dbl>,
## #   cancellationcode <chr>, diverted <dbl>, carrierdelay <dbl>,
## #   weatherdelay <dbl>, nasdelay <dbl>, securitydelay <dbl>,
## #   lateaircraftdelay <dbl>, score <int>, row <S3: integer64>
  1. Use map_df() to run the function for each month
strat_sample <- 1:12 %>%
  1. Verify sample with a histogram
dbplot_histogram(strat_sample, distance)

5.4 Create a model & test

  1. Prepare a model data set
model_data <- strat_sample %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select(arrdelay, season, depdelay) 
  1. Create a simple lm() model
model_lm <- lm(arrdelay ~ . , data = model_data)
## Call:
## lm(formula = arrdelay ~ ., data = model_data)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -319.63   -7.38   -1.31    5.46  153.40 
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)   -3.555680   0.333985 -10.646  < 2e-16 ***
## seasonSpring   1.899032   0.471854   4.025 5.77e-05 ***
## seasonSummmer  2.164639   0.472263   4.584 4.65e-06 ***
## seasonWinter   2.574540   0.473742   5.434 5.68e-08 ***
## depdelay       0.986506   0.004536 217.469  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 14.14 on 7195 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8698, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8698 
## F-statistic: 1.202e+04 on 4 and 7195 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  1. Create a test data set by combining the sampling and model data set routines
test_sample <- 1:12 %>%
  map_df(~sample_segment(.x, 100)) %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select(arrdelay, season, depdelay) 
  1. Run a simple routine to check accuracy
test_sample %>%
  mutate(p = predict(model_lm, test_sample),
         over = abs(p - arrdelay) < 10) %>%
  group_by(over) %>% 
  tally() %>%
  mutate(percent = round(n / sum(n), 2))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   over      n percent
##   <lgl> <int>   <dbl>
## 1 F       398   0.330
## 2 T       802   0.670

5.5 Score inside database

Learn about tidypredict to run predictions inside the database

  1. Load the library, and see the results of passing the model as an argument to tidypredict_fit()

## ((((-3.55567950836314) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Spring"), 1, 
##     0)) * (1.89903163366937))) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Summmer"), 
##     1, 0)) * (2.16463859693503))) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Winter"), 
##     1, 0)) * (2.57453965992478))) + ((depdelay) * (0.98650585644528))
  1. Use tidypredict_sql() to see the resulting SQL statement
tidypredict_sql(model_lm, con)
## <SQL> ((((-3.55567950836314) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Spring')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Spring')) THEN (0.0) END) * (1.89903163366937))) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Summmer')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Summmer')) THEN (0.0) END) * (2.16463859693503))) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Winter')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Winter')) THEN (0.0) END) * (2.57453965992478))) + (("depdelay") * (0.98650585644528))
  1. Run the prediction inside dplyr
table_flights %>%
  filter(month == 2,
         dayofmonth == 1) %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select( season, depdelay) %>%
  tidypredict_to_column(model_lm) %>%
## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 3]
## # Database: postgres [rstudio_dev@localhost:/postgres]
##   season depdelay     fit
##   <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Winter    19.0   17.8  
## 2 Winter     0    - 0.981
## 3 Winter   - 5.00 - 5.91 
## 4 Winter   - 9.00 - 9.86 
## 5 Winter   - 6.00 - 6.90 
## 6 Winter    50.0   48.3
  1. View the SQL behind the dplyr command
table_flights %>%
  filter(month == 2,
         dayofmonth == 1) %>%
    season = case_when(
      month >= 3 & month <= 5  ~ "Spring",
      month >= 6 & month <= 8  ~ "Summmer",
      month >= 9 & month <= 11 ~ "Fall",
      month == 12 | month <= 2  ~ "Winter"
  ) %>%
  select( season, depdelay) %>%
  tidypredict_to_column(model_lm) %>%
## <SQL> SELECT "season", "depdelay", ((((-3.55567950836314) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Spring')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Spring')) THEN (0.0) END) * (1.89903163366937))) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Summmer')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Summmer')) THEN (0.0) END) * (2.16463859693503))) + ((CASE WHEN (("season") = ('Winter')) THEN (1.0) WHEN NOT(("season") = ('Winter')) THEN (0.0) END) * (2.57453965992478))) + (("depdelay") * (0.98650585644528)) AS "fit"
## FROM (SELECT "season", "depdelay"
## FROM (SELECT "flightid", "year", "month", "dayofmonth", "dayofweek", "deptime", "crsdeptime", "arrtime", "crsarrtime", "uniquecarrier", "flightnum", "tailnum", "actualelapsedtime", "crselapsedtime", "airtime", "arrdelay", "depdelay", "origin", "dest", "distance", "taxiin", "taxiout", "cancelled", "cancellationcode", "diverted", "carrierdelay", "weatherdelay", "nasdelay", "securitydelay", "lateaircraftdelay", "score", CASE
## WHEN ("month" >= 3.0 AND "month" <= 5.0) THEN ('Spring')
## WHEN ("month" >= 6.0 AND "month" <= 8.0) THEN ('Summmer')
## WHEN ("month" >= 9.0 AND "month" <= 11.0) THEN ('Fall')
## WHEN ("month" = 12.0 OR "month" <= 2.0) THEN ('Winter')
## END AS "season"
## FROM datawarehouse.flight
## WHERE (("month" = 2.0) AND ("dayofmonth" = 1.0))) "rdmsrldtdf") "xsktnwfckl") "pifkbjpiqq"
  1. Compare predictions to ensure results are within range
test <- tidypredict_test(model_lm)
## tidypredict test results
## Difference threshold: 1e-12
##  All results are within the difference threshold
  1. View the records that exceeded the threshold
test$raw_results %>%
## [1] rowid         fit           fit_te        fit_diff      fit_threshold
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

5.6 Parsed model

Quick review of the model parser

  1. Use the parse_model() function to see how tidypredict interprets the model
pm <- parse_model(model_lm)
## # A tibble: 10 x 11
##    labels     estimate type   field_1 field_2     qr_1      qr_2      qr_3
##    <chr>         <dbl> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 (Intercep…  - 3.56  term   <NA>    <NA>    - 0.0118 - 0.00680 - 0.00962
##  2 seasonSpr…    1.90  term   <NA>    Spring    0        0.0272    0.00962
##  3 seasonSum…    2.16  term   <NA>    Summmer   0        0         0.0289 
##  4 seasonWin…    2.57  term   <NA>    Winter    0        0         0      
##  5 depdelay      0.987 term   {{:}}   <NA>      0        0         0      
##  6 labels        0     varia… depdel… season   NA       NA        NA      
##  7 model        NA     varia… <NA>    <NA>     NA       NA        NA      
##  8 version      NA     varia… <NA>    <NA>     NA       NA        NA      
##  9 residual     NA     varia… <NA>    <NA>     NA       NA        NA      
## 10 sigma2       NA     varia… <NA>    <NA>     NA       NA        NA      
## # ... with 3 more variables: qr_4 <dbl>, qr_5 <dbl>, vals <chr>
  1. Verify that the resulting table can be used to get the fit formula
## ((((-3.55567950836314) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Spring"), 1, 
##     0)) * (1.89903163366937))) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Summmer"), 
##     1, 0)) * (2.16463859693503))) + ((ifelse((season) == ("Winter"), 
##     1, 0)) * (2.57453965992478))) + ((depdelay) * (0.98650585644528))
  1. Save the parsed model for later use
write_csv(pm, "parsedmodel.csv")
  1. Disconnect from the database