9 Intro to dashboards

9.1 Basic structure

Preview a simple shinydashboard

  1. Create and preview a simple shinydashboard
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Quick Example"),
  dashboardSidebar(selectInput("select", "Selection", c("one", "two"))),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$total <- renderValueBox(valueBox(100, subtitle = "Flights"))
  output$monthly <- renderDataTable(datatable(mtcars))

shinyApp(ui, server)

9.3 Update dashboard items

Create base query for the dashboard using dplyr and pass the results to the dashboard

  1. Save the base “query” to a variable. It will contain a carrier selection. To transition into shiny programming easier, the variable will be a function.
base_dashboard <- function(){
  flights %>%
    filter(uniquecarrier == "DL")

## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 31]
## # Database: postgres [rstudio_dev@localhost:/postgres]
##   flightid  year month dayofmonth dayofweek deptime crsdeptime arrtime
##      <int> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1  7009389  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00     654        700    1149
## 2  7009390  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00    1646       1645    1744
## 3  7009391  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00    1207       1145    1854
## 4  7009392  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00    1935       1940    2130
## 5  7009393  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00     556        555     754
## 6  7009394  2008  12.0       13.0      6.00     858        900    1028
## # ... with 23 more variables: crsarrtime <dbl>, uniquecarrier <chr>,
## #   flightnum <dbl>, tailnum <chr>, actualelapsedtime <dbl>,
## #   crselapsedtime <dbl>, airtime <dbl>, arrdelay <dbl>, depdelay <dbl>,
## #   origin <chr>, dest <chr>, distance <dbl>, taxiin <dbl>, taxiout <dbl>,
## #   cancelled <dbl>, cancellationcode <chr>, diverted <dbl>,
## #   carrierdelay <dbl>, weatherdelay <dbl>, nasdelay <dbl>,
## #   securitydelay <dbl>, lateaircraftdelay <dbl>, score <int>
  1. Use the base query to figure the number of flights for that carrier
base_dashboard() %>%
  tally() %>% 
## integer64
## [1] 451931
  1. In the app, remove the 100 number and pipe the dplyr code into the valueBox() function
# Goes from this:
  output$total <- renderValueBox(valueBox(100, subtitle = "Flights"))
# To this:
  output$total <- renderValueBox(
    base_dashboard() %>%
      tally() %>% 
      pull() %>%
      valueBox(subtitle = "Flights"))
  1. Create a table with the month name and the number of flights for that month
base_dashboard() %>%
  group_by(month) %>%
  tally() %>%
  collect() %>%
  mutate(n = as.numeric(n)) %>%
  rename(flights = n) %>%
## # A tibble: 12 x 2
##    month flights
##    <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1  1.00   38256
##  2  2.00   36275
##  3  3.00   39829
##  4  4.00   37049
##  5  5.00   36349
##  6  6.00   37844
##  7  7.00   39335
##  8  8.00   38173
##  9  9.00   36304
## 10 10.0    38645
## 11 11.0    36939
## 12 12.0    36933
  1. In the app, replace head(mtcars) with the piped code, and re-run the app
# Goes from this:
  output$monthly <- renderTable(head(mtcars))
# To this:
  output$monthly <- renderDataTable(datatable(
    base_dashboard() %>%
      group_by(month) %>%
      tally() %>%
      collect() %>%
      mutate(n = as.numeric(n)) %>%
      rename(flights = n) %>%

9.4 Integrate the dropdown

Use shiny’s reactive() function to integrate the user input in one spot

  1. In the original base_dashboard() code, replace function with reactive, and "DL" with input$select
# Goes from this
base_dashboard <- function(){
flights %>%
  filter(uniquecarrier == "DL")}
# To this
base_dashboard <- reactive({
  flights %>% 
    filter(uniquecarrier == input$select)})
  1. Insert the new code right after the server <- function(input, output, session) line. The full code should now look like this:
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Quick Example"),
  dashboardSidebar(selectInput("select", "Selection", airline_list)),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  base_dashboard <- reactive({
    flights %>%
      filter(uniquecarrier == input$select)
  output$total <- renderValueBox(
    base_dashboard() %>%
      tally() %>%
      pull() %>%
      valueBox(subtitle = "Flights")
  output$monthly <- renderDataTable(datatable(
    base_dashboard() %>%
      group_by(month) %>%
      tally() %>%
      collect() %>%
      mutate(n = as.numeric(n)) %>%
      rename(flights = n) %>%
shinyApp(ui, server)
  1. Re-run the app

  2. Disconnect form database
