
sparklyr serves as the R interface to Apache Spark, enabling seamless connections to Databricks through Databricks Connect.

What’s new?

Watch Edgar Ruiz’s posit::conf(2023) talk, Using R with Databricks Connect, to learn what’s new with sparklyr and Databricks:

See the slides on Posit Connect »



The Databricks Connect v2 page in the sparklyr documentation has updated, thorough steps on using sparklyr for Databricks. This page links to the relevant sections.

Watch a walkthrough of the steps here:

Install the required packages »

Install the required packages to get started.


Get started »

Configure your workspace to use Databricks Connect and access Unity Catalog data via the RStudio Connections Pane.


If you’re using RStudio on Posit Workbench, there’s a new Databricks pane that helps you manage your Databricks Spark clusters, as well as connections to clusters via Sparklyr. Click on the Databricks pane, and you’ll see a list of your compute clusters, their status, and more details. Learn more.

Interact with the cluster »

The new integration with sparklyr allows you to explore and access data from your Databricks cluster directly in RStudio through the Connections Pane.

Analyzing your data

Prepare data »

You can use your familiar dplyr commands to prepare your data. The sparklyr cheat sheet provides easy reference to the functions available with sparklyr.

See the cheatsheet »

Machine learning »

Sparklyr supports Logistic Regression and two scaler transformers, Standard Scaler and Max Abs Scaler.

Deploying Databricks-backed content to Posit Connect »

Once you have created your content, deploy it to Posit Connect using pysparklyr::deploy_databricks(). Posit Connect allows you to edit sharing permissions, edit vanity URLs, and more.


In our blog post, Crossing Bridges: Reporting on NYC taxi data with RStudio and Databricks, we walk through connecting to Databricks in RStudio, accessing cluster data, and creating a Quarto report using the data that is deployed to Posit Connect.

Read the tutorial »

Watch a 1-minute walk through »
