Databricks with R

Edgar Ruiz @ Posit

Spark Connect

‘Thin client, with the full power of Apache Spark’

Spark Connect

  • Introduced a decoupled client-server architecture

  • It enables remote connectivity to Spark clusters.

  • Allows R users to interact with a cluster from their preferred environment, laptop or otherwise.

  • Databricks Connect, is based on Spark Connect architecture. Available in DBR version 13+

flowchart LR
  lp[User's machine]
  lp <-. Network .-> sp
  style lp  fill:#fff,stroke:#666
  style sp  fill:#f4c430,stroke:#666

Underlying technologies

  • Uses of a remote procedure call framework, named gRPC.

  • Uses Torch for the ML capabilities (Spark 3.5+).

  • PySpark offers the best integration with Spark Connect.

flowchart LR
  subgraph lp[User's machine]
  g1 <-. Network .-> sp
  ps --> g1
  style ps  fill:#eff,stroke:#666
  style lp  fill:#fff,stroke:#666
  style sp  fill:#f4c430,stroke:#666
  style g1  fill:#447099,stroke:#666,color:#fff

Integrating R, via sparklyr

  • Integrates with PySpark, via reticulate

  • Extends the functionality, and user experience:

    • dplyr back-end
    • DBI back-end
    • RStudio’s Connections pane integration.
flowchart LR
  subgraph lp[User's machine]
  sr --> rt
  rt --> ps
  g1 <-. Network .-> sp
  ps --> g1
  style sr  fill:#d0efb1,stroke:#666
  style rt  fill:#d0efb1,stroke:#666
  style ps  fill:#eff,stroke:#666
  style lp  fill:#fff,stroke:#666
  style sp  fill:#f4c430,stroke:#666
  style g1  fill:#447099,stroke:#666,color:#fff

-———————- No need to install Java in my machine!!! 🎉 ———————-

Getting started is easy

The new functionality is available in an sparklyr extension called pysparklyr. It contains a function that creates and prepares your Python environment.

#> Using Python: /Users/edgar/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/bin/python3.10
#> Creating virtual environment 'r-sparklyr' ... 
#> + /Users/edgar/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/bin/python3.10 -m venv /Users/edgar/.virtualenvs/r-sparklyr
#> Done!
#> Installing packages: pip, wheel, setuptools
#> + /Users/edgar/.virtualenvs/r-sparklyr/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade --no-user pip wheel setuptools
#> Collecting pip
#>   Using cached pip-23.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (2.1 MB)
#> Successfully installed MarkupSafe-2.1.3 PyArrow-13.0.0 cachetools-5.3.1 certifi-2023.7.22 charset-normalizer-3.2.0 databricks-connect-13.3.0 databricks-sdk-0.8.0 delta-spark-2.4.0 filelock-3.12.4 google-api-core-2.11.1 google-api-python-client-2.99.0 google-auth-2.23.0 google-auth-httplib2-0.1.1 googleapis-common-protos-1.60.0 grpcio-1.58.0 grpcio_status-1.58.0 httplib2-0.22.0 idna-3.4 importlib-metadata-6.8.0 jinja2-3.1.2 mpmath-1.3.0 networkx-3.1 numpy-1.25.2 pandas-2.1.0 protobuf-4.24.3 py4j- pyasn1-0.5.0 pyasn1-modules-0.3.0 pyparsing-3.1.1 pyspark-3.4.1 python-dateutil-2.8.2 pytz-2023.3.post1 requests-2.31.0 rsa-4.9 six-1.16.0 sympy-1.12 torch-2.0.1 torcheval-0.0.7 typing-extensions-4.7.1 tzdata-2023.3 uritemplate-4.1.1 urllib3-1.26.16 zipp-3.16.2

What does it install?

Installs the following Python libraries:

  • pyspark
  • pandas
  • PyArrow
  • grpcio
  • grpcio_status
  • delta-spark
  • google-api-python-client
  • databricks-connect (for using with Databricks)
  • torch (Spark 3.5+)
  • torcheval (Spark 3.5+)

Needs Python 3.9 or higher. install_pyspark() will check for you.

Run Spark Connect locally

  • Install Spark 3.4+ (one time)
  • Start the Spark Connect service using:

#> Starting Spark Connect locally ...
#>   starting org.apache.spark.sql.connect.service.SparkConnectServer, logging to
#>   /Users/edgar/spark/spark-3.4.0-bin-hadoop3/logs/spark-edgar-org.apache.spark.sql.connect.service.SparkConnectServer-1-Edgars-work-laptop.local.out
  • To stop the service use:

#> Stopping Spark Connect
#>   - Shutdown command sent

Databricks Connect

‘Use from any application, running anywhere’

Databricks Connect “v2”

  • Based on Spark Connect

  • Available on DBR 13 onward

  • Databricks Connect becomes a thin client that is simple and easy to use

  • sparklyr 1.8.3, along with pysparklyr, supports Databricks Connect:

    sc <- spark_connect(
      master     = "", # Your org's address
      cluster_id = "", # Your cluster's ID
      token      = "", # Your personal token
      method     = "databricks_connect"

Secure your connection

  • sparklyr uses environment variables, if provided:

    • DATABRICKS_HOST - Your org’s address

    • DATABRICKS_TOKEN - Your personal token

  • Only the method, and cluster ID will be needed:

    sc <- spark_connect(
      cluster_id = "{your cluster id}", 
      method = "databricks_connect"

Explore data in the Unity Catalog

Now inside RStudio…

Connections pane!

Matches the structure in UC

And of course…

preview the top 1K rows

Accessing the Catalog data


trips <- tbl(sc, in_catalog("samples", "nyctaxi", "trips"))

Accessing the Catalog data


trips <- tbl(sc, in_catalog("samples", "nyctaxi", "trips"))
#> # Source: spark<`samples`.`nyctaxi`.`trips`> [?? x 6]
#>    tpep_pickup_datetime tpep_dropoff_datetime trip_distance fare_amount
#>    <dttm>               <dttm>                        <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 2016-02-14 10:52:13  2016-02-14 11:16:04            4.94        19  
#>  2 2016-02-04 12:44:19  2016-02-04 12:46:00            0.28         3.5
#>  3 2016-02-17 11:13:57  2016-02-17 11:17:55            0.7          5  
#>  4 2016-02-18 04:36:07  2016-02-18 04:41:45            0.8          6  
#>  5 2016-02-22 08:14:41  2016-02-22 08:31:52            4.51        17  
#>  6 2016-02-05 00:45:02  2016-02-05 00:50:26            1.8          7  
#>  7 2016-02-15 09:03:28  2016-02-15 09:18:45            2.58        12  
#>  8 2016-02-25 13:09:26  2016-02-25 13:24:50            1.4         11  
#>  9 2016-02-13 10:28:18  2016-02-13 10:36:36            1.21         7.5
#> 10 2016-02-13 18:03:48  2016-02-13 18:10:24            0.6          6  
#> # ℹ more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: pickup_zip <int>, dropoff_zip <int>


Use dplyr to interact with the data

trips %>%
  group_by(pickup_zip) %>%
    count = n(),
    avg_distance = mean(trip_distance, na.rm = TRUE)
#> # Source: spark<?> [?? x 3]
#>    pickup_zip count avg_distance
#>         <int> <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1      10032    15         4.49
#>  2      10013   273         2.98
#>  3      10022   519         2.00
#>  4      10162   414         2.19
#>  5      10018  1012         2.60
#>  6      11106    39         2.03
#>  7      10011  1129         2.29
#>  8      11103    16         2.75
#>  9      11237    15         3.31
#> 10      11422   429        15.5 
#> # ℹ more rows

Use dplyr to interact with the data

Translated, and sent as SQL to the cluster. To view query use: show_query()

trips %>%
  group_by(pickup_zip) %>%
    count = n(),
    avg_distance = mean(trip_distance, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>% 
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT `pickup_zip`, COUNT(*) AS `count`, AVG(`trip_distance`) AS `avg_distance`
#> FROM `samples`.`nyctaxi`.`trips`
#> GROUP BY `pickup_zip`

And, coming soon…

Databricks cluster management

Inside Posit Workbench! 🎉🎉

Start/stop clusters

Expand to view details

No need to leave the IDE

Makes it easy to connect


sc <- spark_connect(
  cluster_id = "",
  method = "databricks_connect"

Copy the cluster ID from the pane


sc <- spark_connect(
  cluster_id = "",
  method = "databricks_connect"

Paste to your connection code


sc <- spark_connect(
  cluster_id = "0608-170338-jwkec0wi",
  method = "databricks_connect"

Connecting again is easy!

RStudio remembers code

Right back to the Unity Catalog!

Additional info

What is supported, and some advanced functionality

Spark Connect & Databricks Connect


  • Most of the dplyr, and DBI, APIs

  • invoke() command

  • Connections Pane navigation

  • PAT for Databricks Connect

  • Most read and write commands

Not supported

  • ML functions

  • SDF functions

  • tidyr

Access the entire API

Easy to interact with the underlying Python components

sc <- spark_connect("sc://localhost", method = "spark_connect")

# Point to the `reticulate` Python object
session <- sc$python_obj

# Copies the data from R into Spark and returns a PySpark dataframe
tbl_mtcars <- session$createDataFrame(mtcars)

# Object doesn't print the data, prints the PySpark dataframe's metadata
#> DataFrame[mpg: double, cyl: double, disp: double, hp: double, drat: double, wt: double, qsec: double, vs: double, am: double, gear: double, carb: double]

# Access things such a the PySpark functions directly
tbl_mtcars$corr("wt", "mpg")
#> [1] -0.8676594

Go further using reticulate

Spark Connect 3.5+ supports GLM. It can be accessed via reticulate today:


# Load the Python libraries
pyspark <- import("pyspark")
connect_classification <- import("")

# Build an array column that contains the feature variables
feature_fields <- pyspark$sql$functions$array("mpg", "wt")
tbl_features <- tbl_mtcars$withColumn("features", feature_fields)

# Instanciate a new model, and designate the label column
log_reg <- connect_classification$LogisticRegression()
log_reg_label <- log_reg$setLabelCol("am")

Go further using reticulate

Spark Connect 3.5+ supports GLM. It can be accessed via reticulate today:

# Fit the model 
model <- log_reg_label$fit(tbl_features)
#> LogisticRegression_144975e223ce
# Create the predictions
preds <- model$transform(tbl_features)
# Import data into R 
r_preds <- preds$toPandas()
head(r_preds, 3)
#>    mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb      features prediction          probability
#> 1 21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4   21.00, 2.62          1 0.4157636, 0.5842364
#> 2 21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4 21.000, 2.875          1 0.4890891, 0.5109109
#> 3 22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1   22.80, 2.32          1 0.2807752, 0.7192248

In closing

A quick review, and link sharing

Today, we covered

  • Spark Connect enables remote connectivity to Spark clusters
  • Allows R users to interact with a cluster from their preferred environment
  • Databricks Connect , is based on Spark Connect architecture. Available in DBR version 13+
  • Posit Workbench will support remote cluster management
  • sparklyr supports Spark & Databricks Connect, via the pysparklyr extension
  • The integration was developed using Python, and PySpark
  • Access the entire PySpark API through reticulate

————— Link to the presentation —–>