8. License Renewal & Upgrades

In this section you will learn:


There are a few tasks you can do before upgrading to set yourself up for success:

  • Review the release notes for breaking changes and any other areas of concern for your environment

  • Perform the upgrade on a staging server first.

  • Notify users ahead of time of the upgrade. You can use the admin notification feature.

  • Check if there are any active sessions running by looking at the Admin dashboard or running:

    sudo rstudio-server active-sessions
  • Make a backup of the server

License Renewal

At the end of your license term you’ll need to renew your license on the server. To do this you’ll first need to deactivate the current license, activate the new key, and restart the server. The Admin guide license management section has more detail.

Upgrading Lab

🚀 Launch the exercise environment!

In the exercise environment you will get experience:

  • upgrading Workbench versions on the server