Customer Tracker Report

Last Update

This report was generated on Wednesday, Jul 03, 2024 21:27.

Downloadable report has been updated.

Evolution of performance

This report shows performance by: Total (segment); Total (group); and Week (period).


Performance by Week
Week RevenuePre RevenueCurr Revenue Customers Visits Items Spend
1 $453,521 $557,527 22.93% 2.38% 12.06% 0.78% 6.33%
2 $441,596 $465,238 5.35% 2.38% 7.07% 0.50% −4.37%
3 $466,559 $422,411 −9.46% 2.38% −12.38% −0.71% 1.66%
4 $460,268 $555,737 20.74% 2.38% 16.03% 0.43% 1.22%
5 $576,506 $659,569 14.41% 2.38% 9.99% −0.30% 1.90%
6 $874,079 $941,203 7.68% 2.38% 2.38% −1.13% 3.91%
7 $307,834 $538,492 74.93% 2.38% 54.48% 1.42% 9.06%
8 $344,878 $391,662 13.57% 2.38% 7.59% −0.19% 3.29%
9 $379,758 $468,656 23.41% 2.38% 12.89% −0.12% 6.91%
10 $383,232 $482,166 25.82% 2.38% 14.61% −0.02% 7.25%
11 $390,895 $553,084 41.49% 2.38% 29.96% 1.01% 5.28%
12 $438,767 $682,089 55.46% 2.38% 43.22% 3.25% 2.68%
13 $512,301 $333,816 −34.84% 2.38% −26.92% −2.39% −10.77%
14 $628,602 $395,311 −37.11% 2.38% −29.73% −4.40% −8.57%
15 $342,530 $436,894 27.55% 2.38% 20.15% 0.04% 3.66%
16 $455,088 $476,272 4.65% 2.38% 1.97% −0.71% 0.97%
17 $578,468 $667,970 15.47% 2.38% 9.80% −0.00% 2.73%
18 $1,005,453 $1,105,135 9.91% 2.38% 7.81% −0.37% −0.05%
19 $374,659 $420,570 12.25% 2.38% 8.83% −0.28% 1.03%
20 $397,398 $427,326 7.53% 2.38% 5.67% −0.39% −0.22%
21 $416,283 $428,544 2.95% 2.38% 2.98% −0.38% −1.98%
22 $426,440 $451,958 5.98% 2.38% 4.33% −0.63% −0.15%