Equip your admins to run a fantastic Posit environment

Posit Administrator Training will equip your team to maintain and leverage Posit’s professional software products to match your organization’s needs. Trained admins will be well-equipped to keep your Posit environment running smoothly.

Who is Posit Administrator Training for?

Posit Administrator Training is for anyone who wants to learn more about the maintenance and configuration of the Posit Products. All participants will need to be comfortable working on the Linux command line and editing configuration files to complete the course.

What does it cover?

Posit Administrator Training teaches Posit product admins to understand how Posit products function, where to find relevant documentation, and what the administrative tasks are to maintain Posit products.

The training covers:

  • Scaling Posit Team
  • Troubleshooting and debugging options
  • Managing package environments for open source data science
  • Configuring data access from the Posit products
  • Resource monitoring

Review the full course content here:

Linked screenshot of the admin training site.

Registration is for four sessions, each four hours in length that are a mix of live lecture by a Posit Solutions Engineer and hands on exercises in a simulation environment.

When is it?

The next class is April 2,4,9 and 11th from 9 am - 1 pm EST each day. Do you need different hours? If so, let us know your preferences.

How Much Does it Cost?

2000 USD per learner (subject to change until quoted)

How do I join?

To register, please reach out to your Posit Account Team.